Hygiene and prevention measures against Covid-19 of CALIMA SURF SLU
Prevention for our employees
Before going to work
- If you have any symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty breathing, etc.) that could be associated with COVID-19, you should not go to work. Contact the COVID-19 contact line in your autonomous community or your primary medical center and follow their instructions.
- If you have been in close contact or shared space without keeping the interpersonal distance with a person affected by COVID-19, you should not go to the workplace, even in the absence of symptoms, for at least 14 days.
- If you are vulnerable due to age, being pregnant or having previous medical conditions, you should not go to the workplace. In case of not being able to carry out the tasks remotely, a doctor should be contacted to prove, when appropriate, that in fact it is necessary to remain isolated from the workplace.
Commuting to and from work
- Whenever possible, prioritize the mobility options that best guarantee the interpersonal distance of approximately 2 meters.
- If you go to work on foot, by bike or motorcycle, you do not need to wear a mask. Interpersonal distance should be kept when walking down the street.
- When traveling by public transport, the interpersonal distance with other passengers must be kept. It is mandatory to wear a hygienic mask.
Distancing / Capacity
- The establishment’s capacity will be reduced according to the recommendations established by the competent authorities at all times. In our case, 3 people is the maximum capacity including the shop-assistant.
- All activities that can be moved outside will be carried out outdoors, guaranteeing a distance of 2 meters between people at all times.
Surf shop and school
- All workers are provided with permanently available hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity at the workplace, authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health for hand cleaning, or when this is not possible, soap and water.
- The workers are obliged to carry out periodic ventilation of the facilities on a daily basis and for a period of five minutes.
- Workers have protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk: reusable masks, gloves in different sizes, alcohol-based hand sanitizers, soap, and paper tissue for effective hand hygiene. The staff is trained and informed about the correct use of the aforementioned protective equipment. There are informative posters in the facilities.
- At least twice a day, the facilities are cleaned and disinfected with special attention to the most frequent contact surfaces such as doorknobs, counters, furniture, floors, telephones, hangers, POS terminals, and other elements with similar characteristics.
- At each shift change, the workplace will be cleaned and disinfected.
- The toilets will not be used by clients, except in cases where it is strictly necessary. In the latter case, the toilets, taps, and doorknobs will be cleaned immediately.
- The distance between shop-assistant or instructor and customer during the entire customer service process will be at least one meter when there are protection or barrier elements, or approximately two meters without these elements.
- Two-meter interpersonal safety distance between clients, with markers on the ground, posters, or indicators.
- At the entrance to the premises, we provide the customers with hydroalcoholic gel dispensers or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health.
- The changing rooms will be used by a single person at a time and in the case of special garments, such as bikinis and swimsuits, after trying on they are cleaned and disinfected.
- In case a customer tries on a garment that is not subsequently purchased, we have implemented measures for the garment to be sanitized before it is used by other customers. This measure also applies to garment returned by customers.
- The garment will be taken out of the showcase, treated with products approved by the Ministry of Health, and then put back again for sale.
Equipment disinfection
- Disinfection of wetsuits: Following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, we disinfect our wetsuits with a 1% aqueous-based solution of sodium hypochlorite (bleach), with application time ≥15 minutes, ensuring that the solution reaches all corners and parts of the equipment (total immersion).
- Disinfection of surfboards equipment:
∙ After school: Due to their use, surfboards equipment have no direct contact with mucous membranes. Class participants are using the equipment predominantly in the salty water, the equipment is also constantly exposed to the sun. When the surfboards come back to the store, no-one has any possible contact with them, except for the instructor. In this case their additional disinfection is not necessary.
∙ After rental: After each rental, the equipment is disinfected with anti virucidal products recommended by the Spanish Ministry of Health, or left exposed to direct sun for approx. one hour on each side. The surface of the boards exposed to direct sun will exceed the temperature minimum of 60 degrees to eliminate the risk of contagion.
- We have increased the usual cleaning frequency, also incorporating the disinfection of contact surfaces.
- Frequent contact surfaces are sanitized with a disinfectant product with bactericidal and virucidal properties.
- We do not use cloth towels. They are replaced by disposable paper tissues.
Continuous point of contact (knobs, taps, switches, etc.)
- As a complement to the cleaning procedure of the facilities mentioned above, and with the same frequency (at each “cycle”), a disinfection of surfaces and continuous points of contact is carried out with a disinfecting solution.
- We inform customers about the need to use hydroalcoholic gel, which is available in dispensers, as well as the necessity of minimizing contact with any surface.
After work
- The workers must maintain the distances and implement the measures of prevention of contagion and hygiene also at home, especially if they live with people from risk groups.
- In the case of work uniforms or the like, they will be bagged, closed, and transferred to the point of usual washing. A full cycle wash at a temperature between 60 and 90 ºC is recommended.
Organizational measures
- In accordance with the occupational risk prevention regulations (PRL), the staff is informed in a reliable manner and updated on the health recommendations that must be followed individually.
- The personnel is provided with the necessary hygiene products to follow the recommendations individually, adapting to each specific activity.
- A sufficient supply of cleaning materials is supplied to be able to undertake the tasks of enhanced daily sanitization. Among them bleach and products authorized by the Ministry of Health to disinfect.
- A sufficient supply of protection material, especially alcohol-based gels and masks for both staff and clients, is provided.
- Specific measures to minimize the risk of transmission to especially sensitive workers are adopted.
- We carry out all the explanations and briefings in open spaces, which allow social distancing, either in the center itself or on the beach.
PREVENTION FOR OUR CUSTOMERS Organizational measures before your visit
- We send to our future clients, the Action Protocol, and our Hygiene and Prevention Measures of COVID-19 in advance, so that they are informed of the risks of contagion and our measures to lower its risk.
- We promote ONLINE with VISA or MASTER CARD, you can do so through our secure payment server of CAIXA here: http://www.calimasurf.com/tpv thus minimizing contact with our shop-assistants.
Surf shop
- At the entrance to the premises, we provide the customers with hydroalcoholic gel dispensers or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health.
- The client is obliged to bring their own masks.
- The toilets will not be used by clients, except in cases where it is strictly necessary. In the latter case, the toilets, taps, and doorknobs will be cleaned immediately.
- The client is obliged to respect the safety distance with our team, following signs, and marks on the floor.
- The changing rooms will be used by only one person at a time, and in the case of special garments, such as bikinis and swimsuits, after use, they are cleaned and disinfected.
- In the event that a customer tries on a garment that is not subsequently purchased, we have implemented measures for the garment to be sanitized before it is used by other customers. This measure also applies to garment returned by customers.
Surf lessons
- Before starting the surf lessons the participant must not show symptoms of COVID-19, cough, fever, or snot.
- To reduce possible contagion, we will measure the temperature with an IR thermometer. If the temperature is higher than 37.5C, the client will not be able to participate in the class and must contact by phone, or go immediately to the Health Center or Hospital, keeping a safe distance of 2m from other persons.
- Each participant has the obligation to bring their own masks to carry out the activity during the planned period, taking into account that a mask guarantees safety up to a maximum of 4 hours. Reusable masks must be washed daily with water at 60C, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. For example, for a 5-day surf course, a client should bring a minimum of 10 surgical masks (2 masks/ day), or have two reusable masks.
- The use of face masks inside the school is mandatory. It is forbidden to share equipment, creams, towels, drinks or any other personal item that could transmit COVID-19; under penalty of exclusion from the activity, without the right to a refund.
- During the development of the theoretical part on the beach, the participants declare themselves in agreement to maintain the recommended safety distance of 1.5m.
- While developing the video-correction part on the outside of our facilities, the participants must wear masks, when the safety distance of the recommended 1.5m cannot be maintained.
- The participants change outside of the store, without using the bathroom or the changing room, keeping the safety distance.
- The use of sanitary facilities are not available to our clients, except in cases of urgency. In that case, after use, the client is obliged to disinfect with disinfection products available in the bathroom, following the disinfection instructions outlined in our facilities.
- CALIMA SURF SLU has established prevention measures against COVID-19 according to the rules and recommendations of the Spanish Ministry of Health. In the event that one of our clients turns out to be COVID-19 positive after their visit to our facilities, Calima Surf SLU, following strictly the protocols of security and prevention of risks of contagion, declines any liability including financial, accommodation or ticket liability. Contagion may happen before or after the contact with our team or the stay in our facilities.
Surf house
- The use of the toilets is allowed to our guests; their maximum occupancy will be one person at a time, except in those cases when people may require assistance, in which case the use of the person’s companion is allowed. After each use of the toilet, the guest will be required to disinfect all surfaces that they have touched with disinfectants provided in the bathrooms.
- We have informative posters in Spanish and English, explaining the restrictive conditions of use of the facilities and hygiene standards in relation to the prevention of contagion.
- The reception area in the surf shop does not offer the proper separation of two meters between our team and clients. For this reason, during the check-in process, we ask our guests to use the protection appropriate for the level of risk.
- We have a documented cleaning procedure, in accordance with the general measures of prevention and hygiene against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.
- At all times the guest is informed about the restrictive conditions that apply to the use of our services. The client knows all the special rules, before the confirmation of the reservation and during his stay in CALIMA SURF in written form and in a language understandable for the client.
- We make provide customers with hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity.
Recommendations to our clients
Information and bookings:
- We provide an inquiry form and an online reservation system. With this measure, both access to school and the time spent there will be more efficient, avoiding delays and unnecessary crowds.
- Contracting and payments: for the same reason, the contracting of services and any other product is available in advance to minimize the time spent at the reception in the shop.
- In addition, we have introduced planning of the daily activities of the school, organization of shifts, and resources, which results in greater safety for workers. Likewise, and for the same reason, we promote advance payment by virtual POS, bank transfer, or any other means of online payment.
- Behavior at our school: clients are informed about operational, access, and hygienic-sanitary measures so that they have responsible behavior.
- We try to minimize the flow of people inside the school, promoting the use of open spaces throughout the stay.
Declaration of conformity
Mr/Mrs/Ms ………………………………………………………………………
DECLARES that he/she has read and understood the instructions to guarantee CALIMA SURF SLU, its workers, residents, and facilities hygienic-sanitary safety, for which he/she is fully responsible for compliance with the Security Protocol, and the adoption of all the measures set forth therein, designed to prevent contagion by COVID-19.
This DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY is issued under the sole responsibility of
Mr/Mrs/Ms …………………………………………………………….………. with DNI / NIE / PASSPORT ………………………………………domiciled during your stay on the island in ……………………………………………..
Failure to comply with the aforementioned hygienic-sanitary measures will place to the immediate application of the Protocol of action by in breach of the rules of prevention of contagions and Covid19. The company’s responsibility ends once the service has ended provided daily, not being at any time responsible for what that the client decides to do once the activity is finished. Also the
company is not responsible for possible contagion outside its activity so it is not responsible for quarantine accommodation, or the cost and maintenance that an isolation or
quarantine. All this without any responsibility on the part of Calima Surf SLU, neither to relocate, or readmit, nor to reimburse the client, so that it remained to be enjoyed; of any of the contracted services.
This document must be provided together with the Measures Hygiene and prevention